**test-sphere-bge** is a game where you control a ball to roll and move to its end point, to the next level.
You must win or get nothing…
Latest testbuild has 10 levels, **10 UNBEATABLE LEVELS!!**
**DEVLOG** : Youtube.com
**NOTICE:** Latest build build003, build002 has too many problem…
This game is an experiment made in Blender Game Engine, using “linear velocity” for its movement.
The idea of this game is **not necessarily** a copy as you can relate this game to Hamster Ball or other games. But the main idea of this game is to give audience an endless game with no checkpoint or save. And when you die, you should start all over again.
W/A/S/D – Basic Movement
LShift – Break/Stop
Space – Jump
ESC – Exit
Made using Blender Game Engine, Blender 2.75(RC1). **UNUSUAL BEHAVIOR(s) IS EXPECTED!** (But already checked and runs fine…)
Since this game is made in Blender, it has the capability to run on Windows, Linux, or Mac *without* any issues. And it’s made in the latest version to ensure compatibility to the future versions and features.
* Linux 64-bit
* Windows 32-bit and 64-bit
* Mac (coming soon)
I’m not sure about the license of this game, it’s supposed to be some sort of Creative Commons Attribution- (NoCommercial-) ShareAlike.
1. Jump is not always available, sometimes the script throw error. I believe it’s BGE Internal bugs.
2. Screen glitch on build002, unknown issues, probably because of full screen.
1. Make first 100 levels
2. Submit to Steam Greenlight
test-sphere-bge was developed by mbakkokom
test-sphere-bge was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
test-sphere-bge is a Single Player game