TERRA MELIOR is a sci fi RPG shooter with challenging gameplay, an artistic style, and a chilling story. The adventure takes place on a harsh planet of ice and snow overrun by a monster apocalypse. You play as a soldier re-animated by the flames of a dark magic she discovered. The game has 3rd person shooting (not cover based – you’ll be dodging instead!), as well as melee and magic abilities, and focuses on creative, challenging enemies, and exhilarating boss battles. There is an in-depth character system that includes gameplay mechanics like snow depth, stamina, and poise. The game will be released on Windows and Mac. There will be a Kickstarter (to be announced!) that will let you get the game at a discount.
TERRA MELIOR was developed by TerraMeliorRPG
TERRA MELIOR was Released on Windows,Mac
TERRA MELIOR is a Single Player game