Tengist GD was developed by Gamerstorm, Released in 2017-01-27
Tengist GD was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Tengist GD is a Single Player game
It’s a new version of my previous “Tengist” game, only this time it’s on the Godot Engine
Tengist Description (Also applies to GD):
“Tengist (pronounced “Ten-jist”) is freeware game made for the purpose of testing gameplay mechanics and features for future Gamerstorm releases, mainly “Rossies 3D”.” (and “Camerageddon” in this case)
“If you think this game sucks, tell us exactly what the game’s flaws are, so we can improve on them, and potentially make this game, and our other/future games, NOT suck! Just telling us the game sucks won’t help us, telling **us why** it sucks, will! It also helps to tell us what version of the game you were playing.
You can also report on any bugs you find, that would also be helpful…”
Since I forgot to include them in the credits: A huge thank you to gokudomatic for their FPS controller tutorial, on which I based this game on!