MindLink Studio announces the development of a real-time tactical wargame in a fantasy setting, Telladar Chronicles: Reunion. The storyline tells about the destiny of the Telladarian Empire after the War of the Seven Nations, narrated in the first game of the series, Telladar Chronicles: Decline.
The Emperor of Telladar has died, leaving his three-month-old son. According to Imperial laws, a regent must govern the state until the heir comes of age. But none of the Governors, wallowing in intrigues and struggling for personal power, is able to lead the country. Decapitated, lacking in unity, ruined by the recent Orc invasion, the Empire finds itself at the verge of dissolution
The player will assume the role of a young knight, one of the heroes of the War of the Seven Nations and a son of the perished Captain of the Imperial Guards. At an urgent request of the Conclave of the High Priests of Telladar he becomes the regent and the guardian of the heir. Now he must reunite the country torn up by internecine dissensions and defeat its numerous enemies, proving himself a skilful military leader, a wise politician and a diligent ruler.
The main features of the game are:
\- Rich, original fantasy world, inhabited by fifteen races and nations, each with its own history, unique magic, political and economical systems.
\- Armies of up to 20000 fully polygonal creatures (infantry, cavalry, various monsters and magicians) clash in epic battles on huge (4 square km) 3D maps.
\- Reserves can be engaged in action depending on the current situation and strategic disposition. Sizes of field armies are limited only by economic potential of struggling sides.
\- Each creature on the battlefield possesses a set of parameters and traits, based on complex RPGlike rules, unprecedented for mass strategy games.
\- The process of army creation allows not only choosing from pre-designed units, but also customizing them with 50+ weapons and 30+ armors and shields. The player can also adjust the number and experience of soldiers in each unit.
\- More than 100 spells and rituals will help players at strategic and tactical levels.
\- Siege, assault and defense of cities and castles using magic and various siege devices (assault ladders, siege towers and artillery, undermining, etc.).
\- Preparations for battle will allow players to construct field fortifications, arrange ambushes and traps.
\- Economical (production, trade, taxes) and political management can be delegated to AIcontrolled advisors.
\- Key characters, both friends and enemies, have their own motivations, goals and methods. This will create a unique, unpredictable plot.