The action of the program takes us to the fantastic land of Telladar, which is struggling with internal problems. The once mighty Empire is slowly decaying completely. The palace treasuries shine empty, the army does everything it can to avoid going into battle, and the Emperor himself is a puppet in the hands of the Board of Governors, who himself is in incompetent government. The only hope to rebuild the damaged prestige of the Empire is the war that Telladar is about to declare to the Horchi tribe’s Urdaj-Nag inhabited steppes. However, no one could have imagined the tragic consequences of this decision.
These events, known in the history of Telladar as the War of the Seven Nations, are taking up a new product, MindLink, entitled Telladar Chronicles: Decline. The player can take part in the fight as one of the three heroes: Waymor Terny-Morell – son of the captain of the Imperial Guard, Sander – Count Ern, a young wizard and closest friend of Waymor and Ughaj the Ghan – a warrior of the Horchi clan. A separate campaign is planned for each side, which consists of a series of several missions. In addition to the basic tasks, the player will be able to participate in side scenarios, which are not mandatory, but can significantly affect the main objectives. The game has several different endings, everything depends on what we do during the game.
The MindLink product offers great battles with armies in excess of 20000 units (infantry, cavalry, monsters and magicians), all in full three dimensions in huge areas (4 square kilometers). The game also includes the ability to control meals that are far from the front line and, if necessary, to include them in the fight, made with a massive siege of cities and castles, as well as the free armament of units with more than 50 types of weapons. But that’s not all. Each unit in the game is described by RPG coefficients, which significantly affects their behavior on the battlefield, in addition, the army gains experience with subsequent missions, which translates into his skills in combat.
Conducting such powerful battles would not be possible without the use of a specialized engine. MindLink uses in Telladar Chronicles: Decline an original engine called Battalist, whose main advantage is the ability to use a huge number of units at the same time, without any visible loss in game speed. Graphics also uses all the benefits of DirectX 9.0, which is its additional advantage.
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