## Description
_TechnoSylph_ is a score attack-based overhead space shooter. The player
shoots through levels of enemies trying to survive as long as possible while
maximizing score. What distinguishes _TechnoSylph_ from other games is its
complex powerup system, challenging the player to keep on top of their choices
and micromanage their powerups while also dodging bullets and shooting
enemies. The player’s primary shot has seven levels, which the player can
switch between at will; higher levels feature more bullets and a higher
spread, but this power is balanced by their drain on the player’s special shot
meter. That meter is used to power the player’s bomb, and recharges over time
– the higher the player’s primary shot level, the slower their special shot
recharges. The player’s bomb creates a small explosion on the player’s ship,
destroying enemy bullets, and also fires homing shots which are crucial to
take out more powerful enemies. The bomb itself can also be powered up via
collecting powerup items which boost its maximum level.
This CD-ROM version is an update of the freeware TechnoSylph: vsys gaiden
featuring remixed, more challenging gameplay and recoloured in-game artwork.