Team Switch is a virtual reality asynchronus co-op game, you are a robber assisted by your team, who can send you instructions to help you with a manual.
## About This Game
Hello, and thanks for accepting our invitation. For safety reasons, our
identities should remain secret, but you can call me Mr. Fox, and you, we
shall call you Mr. Wolf. I’m the leader of a burglary experts team, known as
Team Switch, and if you’re here, it’s because we know you’re the best in your
field, namely, how to say… your ability to evolve discreetly in a highly
monitored environment…
Our purpose isn’t to get rich, we’re fighting against the largest mafia
organization of all time, better known as Artemis Brotherhood. To end their
business, the most efficient solution is to tackle their money. It’s concealed
everywhere in the world, safe in their own banks. We’ve located them and we’re
gonna burglarize them now, therefore we need your help.
Your mission is simple: to get into the safe and steal as many objects as
possible. However, you’ll be given a limited amount of time to act and you’ll
need to be careful to keep out of sight, otherwise you’ll get arrested.
Team Switch is an asynchronous cooperative video game, where each burglary
will be unique because the game level is randomly generated.
One player will be equipped with a virtual reality headset and will play the
part of thief, therefore he will be only person to see his environment and to
be able to interact with it. He will be equipped with many gadgets that will
be essential for him to progress.
Other players will provide remote tactical support, transmitting information
that the thief will not be aware of. The team will rely on an instruction
manual prepared by our security systems expert. Analysis, communication and
manipulation will be keys to a successful mission in Team Switch.
## Phase 1: Accessing to safe
You’ll be teleported directly into the hallway leading to the safe room. But
this corridor will be protected by several security systems. To move forward,
you’ll need to disable them successively
To disable them, you’ll first need to find their control panel. There are more
than a dozen, each with a unique operating mode;
You’ll then describe this panel orally to your team;
Your helpers will then be able to transmit the manipulations to you using the
instructions available in the manual;
Each security system will require several exchanges with your team, and you’ll
need different gadgets to overcome it;
The safe door will open after the last control panel is deactivated.
## Phase 2: Gather the loot
Once in the treasure room, you will be alone in front of 240 crates, each
containing a different valuable object;
It is up to you to recover as much as possible before the end of time limit;
To this end, activate a teleporter vortex, and throw any objects you find into
it. These will be sent directly to HQ;
You’ll have to evacuate before the countdown ends. Don’t forget to leave a
business card to sign your passage and jump into the vortex;
Back at HQ, you’ll obtain a score, which will be calculated depending on total
value of stolen objects and the quality of your mission. This score will then
be shared with the whole world, and you’ll be able to compare yourself to
other gamers thanks to your world rank; Sorry Professor, you didn’t recruit
the best…
Team switch is intended for all gamers, from beginners to most experience.
With its unique gameplay, Team Switch distinguishes itself from other virtual
reality games by its original cooperative aspect. We promise you to spend
memorable moments with friends! If you like escape games or “keep talking and
nobody explodes” or “I expect you to die” games, you’ll adore Team Switch!
What are your thoughts on that? Are you in the game?
A game session will be entirely configurable:
Specify how many security systems to disable (7 to 10 systems scheduled for
launch, each with its own unique resolution mechanism)
Specify the maximum time of a game
Specify how many errors are allowed
Specify how many secondary objectives ( Find specific treasures ; No errors;
Soundless; Etc.)
Activate adverse events: these random events will add a significant amount
stressful in the mission process (Random shutdown of lights; Insects on
control panels; Ghosts appearing at any time; Mouse or snake walking under
your feet; Rain and lightning; Trapped lockers; Interference in the radio
contact; Passing guards.)
Specify the transport mode: Teleportation or Classical movement / Night mode:
Enable or disable level lights. You can progress only with the flashlight or
night vision goggles
select one of 2 games mode.
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Core2Quad Q6600 2,40 GHz | |
RAM | 4 GB RAM | |
OS | Windows 7 | |
Graphics Card | GeForce GTX 650 (1024 MB Ram) | |
Direct X | Version 11 | |
HDD Space | 2 GB available space |