## Description
Although having the same name and plot from the Commodore versions, the
Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum both have enough differences to warrant a separate
entry. The plot goes that Snide Gaintree and his Mercenaries have taken over a
top-secret Air-Force base in the South Pacific containing cruise-missiles, and
in less than four hours will be in control of the missiles. You have been sent
in your state-of-the-art jetfighter close to the base and you must make your
way to the entrance before entering and exploring the caverns in this side
view flick screen shooter.
You must find missile activation icons and once all have been found then you
play a sub-game where you have to move coloured discs to another area without
putting larger discs on smaller ones. There are various enemies in the base
and they must be shot or avoided and if touched then you lose a life (three on
the Amstrad and four on the Spectrum). You are armed with various weapons and
apart from your standard forward firing gun, the other weapons are limited. A
camouflaged blast wall needs destroying to progress and at the lowest point of
the base another wall needs destroying.