## Description
_Escape Plan Bravo_ is episode four of the episodic adventure series Tales
from the Borderlands. It is DLC for the first episode, which acts as the base
game. Seeing how the next part that Gortys needs to find the vault is on
Helios of all places, Vallory and her goons decide to go there against all
odds. That in turns, forces our heroes to come up with a plan that will have
at least 1% success rate. So, they team up with Scooter and Athena’s
girlfriend to build them a rocket, and recover Hugo Vasquez’s corpse in order
to make a replica suit for Rhys. Accompanied with a couple of Vallory’s goons
and August, the team sets off en route to Helios. There, Rhys goes in while
posing as Hugo and uncovers more secrets than he expected, eventually finding
out the piece they are seeing is in Handsome Jack’s office. But hologram Jack
has plans of its own and Rhys may be tempted to give in and try to rule
together, or stay loyal to his friends and regain a piece of mind with Jack
gone out of his head.