Take a Break! Crosswords
Take a Break! Crosswords is a collection of puzzles licensed from Dell.
Volume I represents the 375 crossword puzzles from Dell Magazines, where you
have to put the word, which is an answer for the certain question, in vertical
or horizontal line of table. These words have common letters because of
crossing and it allows to remember the word by available letters in already
resolved words.
There are 3 difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard) and 4 sizes of puzzles
(13×13, 15×15, 17×17, 19×19) as well as 3 skills of players (Apprentice,
Puzzler, Fanatic).
The interactivity of the game is achieved by the choosing the word;
autochecking the answered word; selecting hints, scoring taking into account
the difficulty level, size of puzzle, time of solving, hint using, correct
answers, and player’s skill; opening, saving and restoring the puzzles.
Little beautiful elf Wanda is watching as you progress, comments your actions,
and congratulates you with animations starring herself.