## Description
_Tactical Assassin Substratum_ is the third entry into the series where once
again the player takes control of the stick figure assassin. The story is
slightly different in this version, while the previous games had the player
either work freelance or do odd jobs for an organization, this one has the
player once again for an organization where they have the assassin intervene
in a mob war and bring an end to it by eliminating targets given to them by
their superiors.
There are nine total missions to play, ranging from simple shoot-to-kill while
other’s reply on the player’s speed and aiming and some others require the
player to rely solely on the intel given to them before each mission. Another
added feature that is absent from the other games is a stealth mission where
the player will view an animation of their assassin sneaking up behind a
target and require them to take them out with a knife. To do this the player
will be shown a screen where the can view their target and their knife, to
kill their target a “killzone” line will be shown on the targets head while a
“slash” line is moved up and down in random intervals. The players must click
it at the precise moment the “slash” line lines up with the “killzone” line to
turn red in order to eliminate their target and advance to the next.
This version mostly resembles its first game where the player only has one
rifle, but has six shooting reticules to choose from, whereas it’s predecessor
had a plethora of weapons to choose from and a monetary system. A score is
tallied at the end of the game depending on how fast the player can complete
the game and how accurate their aim is and deducted points for failing
Players can also receive points for finding “easter eggs” scattered throughout
the stage in the form of cans and birds, shooting these will give the players
extra points. The gameplay is the same as the previous two, using the mouse
button to aim at their target and clicking the left mouse button to fire the
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- A Calm Memory Game
- A Day
- (Early Access Optional) Dudes on a Map: Game Master
- Lucid Cycle
- My Universe – School Teacher
- //TODO: today Original Soundtrack
- A Conversation With Mister Rabbit
- A Frog’s Tale
- 2D Platformer GAME (Toy Factory)
- 4 Witch Seasons & Convenant
- a guard walks into a tavern
- The Help Desk
- eemmmpty