**All in all, this is probably the closest unofficial game/simulator to Sword Art Online visually for the PC, Mac and Linux platforms. **
Dev. Status: No excuses here. I’ve been avoiding this project due to school work. Also, this project will be upgraded to Unity 5 Personal. (UE4 did well pushing other game engines to go free or cheaper.)
Allen or allenallenallen or allenallenallen333 (someone who has no proper training in anything related to game development whatsoever)
To make you realize that most if not all of the other over-hyped Sword Art Online games are either poorly planned or terribly designed. If their so-called “team” of members can’t make something better than what I have done in the past 3 months, especially when they started one to two years ago, you should know that they’re just a joke. Doubt everything, ask for proofs, and don’t believe everything a person says. Oh, right, of course, another objective is to make a Sword Art Online simulation.
I’ll do it when I think it can be done “correctly.” Otherwise, single player.
Before you go off saying: “Oh, hey, it’s another SAO wannabe that’s going to fail miserably!” No, this “game” is actually more of a simulator. It’s my own take on how the game Sword Art Online would feel like if it is actually real based on the SAO anime. So what sets this project apart from other SAO ones? It’s just me trying to create a SAO feel in real life. Oh, that and you get to download this simulator the moment I make an update. So at least you get a clue of what I’m working on, instead of just waiting a long time for updates you don’t even know exist like most of the other SAO projects.
Q: Where can I download this?
A: Go to the downloads tab.
Q: Can I be a beta tester?
A: The game is always publicly released so help yourself. If you do keep up with the current versions, please do provide feedback. They’re always helpful.
Q: Why isn’t there a character? All I see is a black and purple capsule.
A: Because there isn’t one… yet.
Q: VR Support?
A: No, because there’s no point to having VR when not even 1% of the gaming community has any sort of VR devices. Furthermore, I don’t have a VR device.
Q: Will there be a Nerve Gear?
A: No, I don’t know who told you Nerve Gears are possible, and I don’t really care. It’s just not possible, at least not within the life time of this project. (It’s actually quite entertaining to watch some of these SAO projects on here claiming to be able to make Nerve Gears, and what’s worse, hundreds of followers believe in them.)
Sword Art Online Simulator was developed by allenallenallen333
Sword Art Online Simulator was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Sword Art Online Simulator is a Single & Multiplayer game