The Self-Willed Extreme Environment Volitional Organism, or Sweevo for short, is a goofy-looking and generally incompetent robot. His world is Knutz’ Folly, and it comprises almost 200 isometric-viewed screens of danger and challenge, making for a game influenced by Knightlore, although it takes a less serious approach to the genre. Sweevo can enter the world through four different vertical levels, and must use lifts and holes to cross through these to solve many puzzles.
You will meet some decidedly weird inhabitants. Most dangerous are the Dictators and Minxes – contact with these will drain Sweevo’s energy, as will contact with water (he’s a robot, remember). Energy can be recharged by scaring the Geese and picking up the tokens this reveals. The main score is a percentage, although several other totals are kept – most unusually ‘Brownie Points’, through contact with the brownies.
Sweevo Game Series [View Sweevo Full Game Series]
- Flashover MegaSector
- Euphoria: Supreme Mechanics
- Fallout 76 Tricentennial Pack
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- Dorky Fork
- Planet Of Pirates
- Rascal Fight
- Maitetsu:Pure Station
- Bio-Gun
- Motorsport Manager for Nintendo Switch
- A Calm Memory Game
- SCP: Ascension
- Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl
- Better Boyfriend