## Description
_Sweety Thingies_ is a conversion of Poux by Nick Kouvaris. The game starts
with four rows of candies representing different colors. After a short amount
of time, another whole row of stones is added at the bottom, pushing all
stones above one line further. The goal is to avoid that any column is
reaching the upper border of the board. To do this, stones have to be removed
by the player. Stones can be removed if at least two stones of the same color
are next to each other. On removal, any stone of the same color with direct
(non-diagonal) connection to any removed stone is also removed. Like in
_Tetris_ all stones above fall down into the now empty slots. Given that rule,
often more than two stones are removable.
The game awards removed stones with points and the level is increased
automatically after a certain amount of rows is added. In higher levels, the
amount of different colored stones is increased up to seven, making removal
more difficult. Compared to the original game, the speed of rows added is much
higher. Reaching a big score is rewarded with an entry in the high-score list.