## Description
An Adult Video Game was unheard of in the early days of console game.
Regardless, Bachelor Party was one of those very few games that was regarded
at that time as an Adult Video Game (or at least claimed to be one).
Bachelor Party is a simple straight-forward pong game but with a wild twist:
the objective of the game is help ol’bachelor (read=ball) here get lucky with
the ladies by “hitting” him with a dose Spanish Fly (read=paddle, and that’s a
lot of doses!), hopefully with your help, he’ll “score” frequently. When each
lady is “hit”, the lady disappears until all 8-16 ladies are “subdued” and on
to the next level. Looks like someone’s gonna be busy tonight.
The bachelor has 4 lives to start and in order to survive (the night) he has
to keep getting a regular dose of Spanish Fly (since without it…you know…)
to keep the ladies (and him) happy.
The game consists of 2 player modes and 4 level modes: Games number 1 and 3
are one-player versions and 2 and 4 are two-player versions. In games 1 and 2
there are two rows of 4 women in each row. Games 3 and 4 are more difficult in
that there are two rows of 8 women in each row, and they slowly advance during
play (looks like the Spanish Fly is working!)
One last funny thing is that the bachelor appears to have three arms…*ahem*