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## Description
Suzaku is the youngest in the tribe of warriors of the country of Oomi, which
has a long tradition of martial arts and magical powers. The old teacher sees
to that Suzaku is training with the best warriors of the country, and the
young hero’s first true assignment consists of retrieving a magical mirror
from a nearby mountain cave. Little does Suzaku know that a series of events
will occur that will require the warriors to seek help from other countries,
and together defeat the evil that is threatening the land…
_Suzaku_ is an RPG with predominantly Japanese-style elements (linear
gameplay, party of characters that are essential to the story, simple leveling
system, etc.). There are towns in which player-controlled party can rest and
shop; however, most of the gameplay takes place in pseudo-3D, first-person
maze-like dungeons (with an auto-map feature). There is no “world map” to
navigate. Enemies appear randomly and have to be dispatched in simple turn-
based combat, by using physical attacks or magic.