## Description
In the sequel to Super Ski II, also known as _SuperSki Pro_ , six ski events
in the French Alps are available – Super Giant, Downhill, Slalom, Snowboard
Giant Slalom, Snowboard Slalom, and Ski Jump.
There are three modes:
* Practice – complete the events one by one
* Medal Competition – challenge opponents in all events gaining the medals
* Time/Points Competition – challenge opponents in all events showing best time/acquiring more points
All events show the player from behind, except Ski Jump. In Ski Jump the
player is seen mostly from behind but camera may be rotated slightly near him.
The player should avoid obstacles, stay on a route, and pass the gates in
Slalom-like events and jump well in the Ski Jump.
A 1-4 players hot-seat mode is available and the difficulty may be adjusted.
The game progress may be saved to load it later.
In the CD-ROM versions, there are additional render videos and a seventh
discipline: bobsleigh.