SuperFast was developed by Artykin, Released in 2017-04-25
SuperFast was Released on Windows
SuperFast is a Single Player game
Make your way through hard levels in this fast paced action top-down shooter arcade game! You can also speedrun levels with automatic time recording and saving.
Shoot red blocks (by pressing mouse left) to stop world and bullets from moving. By doing it you get closer to the goal. You lose if you touch the left side of the view. Blue blocks turn bullets to move right and orange blocks turns them towards you. Press ‘R’ to restart level. You don’t have to unlock levels so you can play any level anytime.
How this game got inspiration from SUPERHOT:
\- In SUPERHOT, time moves only when you do something.
\- In SuperFast, I reversed it so time stops when you do something.
All time world, player and view move right. When red blocks are hit, time stops (bullets, world and view stop moving) but player still moves right. So you move to the right side of the screen and complete level.
The view moves faster right than player and world so you have to shoot red blocks to not die in the left side of the screen.
Shoot: Mouse left
Restart level: R
Menu: Escape
I’m sorry for lags in many late maps, I didn’t have time for fixing them :(. It can help if you set “tracks” off from settings :).