Super Lup Lup Puzzle was developed by Omega System., Released in 1999
Super Lup Lup in an action/puzzle game in which different coloured marbles continually roll down a spiral path towards a central goal line.
Players control a rotating cannon situated at the center of the spiral and must stop the line of marbles from reaching the goal by shooting matching coloured marbles into the line. If three or more marbles of the same colour are matched, they will disappear.
In addition to standard marbles, bonus items occasionally appear that will, for example, temporarily slow down the rate the marbles’ advance. Also, providing there is a clear line of sight, unwanted marbles can be fired straight out of the play area to prevent them from adding to the advancing line.
All marbles must be destroyed to complete a level. The game is over once the marbles are pushed over the goal threshold.
The game is an unofficial clone of the Mitchell game “Puzz Loop”, with the main difference being that the dip settings of “Super Lup Lup” can be set to display photos of naked men or women.
Other Informations:
Main CPU : E1-16T (@ 50 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Yamaha YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), OKI6295 (@ 13.558 Khz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 32768
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4
Super Lup Lup Puzzle was released in May 1999.
This game is also known as “Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle”.
* Choose Ingame Backgrounds :
In the Service Mode, you can switch between :
1) Pictures only
2) Pictures & Sexy Girl/Man
3) Sexy & Nude Girl/Man
4) Sexy girl/man Nude girl
5) Nude girl only
* Select difficulties mode : Enter service mode, choose On/Off between :
Easy = Start Stage 1
Normal = Start Stage 31
Hard = Start Stage 61
1. Lup Lup Puzzle (1999)
2. Super Lup Lup Puzzle (1999)
Programmer : Reddevil Fallskya
Graphic Designer : Moss, Alone, Redfox, Freeman, Caomei
Special Thanks : Maxpower, Ardor, Dreamfox
Director : Gogila
Producer : Wolfskin