Super Kreml Kart Super Rally
SKKSR is triumphant minimalist Stalinist Line Rider clone for great glory
of the Soviet Motherland!
Without need for decadent Western imperialist game tropes like Cardinals,
dungeons or a crisis, the victorious CCCP presents another triumph of game
design. Though not well known, Soviet games were like Perestroika queues —
four blocks, and you liked it!
Here an industrious mining cart trundles ever on, providing resources from the
boundless expanses of the Soviet Union to the deserving international
brotherhood of proletarian workers. But what is this?! Saboteurs, running dog
lackeys of the international capitalist conspiracy no doubt, have eliminated
the cart’s rail lines, without which it will tumble down to the end of
history. The player uses the mouse to lay down new rails beneath and directly
in front of the cart as it moves heroically along. Laying rails costs resource
units (which we shall refer to henceforth as “rubles”), and costs more the
taller and longer the segment is. Ruble expenditure can be minimised by laying
only partial rail segments prompting the cart to leap boldly into the air!
Also, additional rubles can be collectivized by directing the cart to
intercept the glorious icon of the hammer and sickle.
Until the inevitable global Communist revolution happens and the worker’s
paradise is established, the only goal in this game is to keep the cart in
movement for as long as possible. Enjoy much socialist gaming, but do not
forget the dogmatic Imperialist axiom: In Soviet Russia, game plays you!
- Grim Tranquility
- GRIME – Soundtrack
- Grimm’s Hollow: Pocket Goods
- Grimstar: Crystals are the New Oil!
- Grimstar: Welcome to the savage planet
- Grind: Skateboarding
- Gromopoli
- Grottonnia
- Grow: Song of the Evertree
- Grub Gauntlet
- GTGD S2: Learn Unity 2D – 2021 Relaunch
- Guardian of Lore Soundtrack
- Guardians of Greenheart
- Guardians of Hyelore