Super Kid Cannon is based on a simple love story in which, Super Kid Cannon, a heroic red panda, journeys through mystical and magical places to save his beloved Justine from the evil clutches of the despicable Kahn. It’s now up to Super Kid Cannon to rescue his love, and the affable red panda will stop at nothing to save her! With beautifully rendered worlds and environments, Super Kid Cannon takes players on an exciting ride through hand-crafted levels featuring a variety of easy-to-play mechanics. The first game of its kind, a vertical launcher, Super Kid Cannon will feature an incredible adventure with brilliant characters in a “Mario meets iOS” style game with an easy-to-play format that guarantees fun for everyone. The game will be available in the App Store, Windows Store, Amazon App Store and Google Play in 2014.
Super Kid Cannon was developed by Skyjoy Interactive
Super Kid Cannon was Released on Mobile,iOS,iPad,Android,AndroidTab
Super Kid Cannon is a Single Player game