Super Galaxy Ranger Luna was developed by delphadesign, Released in 2017-11-09
Super Galaxy Ranger Luna was Released on Windows,Mac
Super Galaxy Ranger Luna is a Single Player game
## **Super Galaxy Ranger Luna**
**A nostalgic shooter adventure!**
### Its time to return to the late 90’s! A time where low polygons and big pixels ruled.
Super Galaxy Guardian Luna is a third-person-shooter/adventure game, taking place across several worlds. You play as Luna a new Guardian recruit just out of the Academy. You travel across the galaxy in her personal ship liberating worlds from the massive Xhomic Empire. Meeting new species and friends along the way.
### Its 2017, why the return to the 90’s?
The Fifth Generation of Consoles were my fondest gaming memory, with the N64 being my all time favorite console from this generation. When I think of think video game art, this is the theme I think of the most. This prompted me to try to build something new that brings me back to the Low poly, pixelated textures, colorful worlds, and cheesy 90’s dialogue that made me fall into games when I was younger.
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