WARNING: This is a WIP game early in it’s development. This is the day 5 version and does not represent the finished work. Do not expect a full game. Super Bit Bros is a mod of Super Crate Box. The original game this is based on was made by Vlambeer. However all characters, music, art and concepts are done by me. The programing and codes (although based on super crate box) are done by me. The game is 100% free for all. Check out my #supercratebox mod, Super Bit Bros. It’s a pixelated blend of mario and metal slug. It’s an early wip but you’ll find what I’ve done in just a few days is still quite entertaining. I’m currently testing the mario-style star power up. Also your character can now take an extra hit if you have a weapon. Plus Lightsabers, Molotov cocktails, flying eyeballs, and PA! PA! SPLOSIONS This was a quick re-hashing of one of my favorite games: Super Crate Box. All the music was done by me. The guy singing in the menu is my buddy Qiensave. Mo
SUPER BIT BROS was developed by rafaelgamemaker
SUPER BIT BROS was Released on Windows
SUPER BIT BROS is a Single Player game