## Description
_Strangeways_ is a survival horror game played on a mysterious island.
Jonathan Castle’s New York plane crashed and with no other humans or animals
around, he starts exploring the island where he ended up. Soon, he hears
voices in his head from a group calling themselves The Strangers. He explores
the environment, collecting pieces of his journal and manuscripts about the
history of the island. The different levels are inhabited by entities known as
wraiths. These dwell the surroundings and charge when Jonathan approaches.
They can be taken out by shooting white balls, based on telekinetic power and
they can be charged for a stronger effect. When touched by a wraith, Jonathan
starts losing his sanity, changing the screen’s color and messing with the
controls. This can only be restored partially by visiting monuments. The level
ends when Jonathan discovers a crystal.
The game is played from a first-person perspective, with the keyboard for
movement and the mouse for aiming and shooting. The game comes with level
editor to design custom levels.