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On a diplomatic mission for the New Republic, Luke Skywalker and his friends, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and the droids R2-D2 and C3-P0 were passing through a remote galaxy’ At the helm of the Republic cruiser were Han and Chewie, while Luke practiced his Jedi skills elsewhere on the ship’ Suddenly, Luke fell into a profound deep sleep’ In a vision, he saw an ancient man, who spoke to him’
“Luke, I have been waiting for you for a long time'”
“Who are you?” said Luke’
“I am your father’s father, Amon-Ra, the Jedi Master” the man replied’
“I didn’t know my father’s father was still alive,” Luke replied’
“There are many things that will soon be revealed to you,” answered Amon-Ra, “You draw closer to me by the moment’ Soon, all shall be revealed to you'”
Abruptly, Luke awoke from the dream to find a great deal of time had passed’ The cruiser he was in was no longer flying, but instead, was rapidly filling with water’ Luke quickly made his escape from the doomed cruiser to find himself in the middle of a lake, and his friends were no where to be seen’ Luke quickly swam ashore and noticed two figures approaching him’ One was the familiar R2-D2, the other a man he had never seen before’ Thus Luke’s strange quest began”’
Star Wars: Bloodlines is an RPG similar to the SNES RPGs Zelda III and the Final Fantasy series’
The story takes place following the original Star Wars trilogy and features many familiar faces, both good and evil’ The elements of the game will remain true to those of the Star Wars universe’
The engine is being programed in Visual Basic 6 from scratch and contains a mix of hand-drawn graphics as well as graphics from the PC game Yoda Stories’
Star Wars: Bloodlines was developed by winwolf3d, Released in 2006-12-03
Star Wars: Bloodlines was Released on Windows
Star Wars: Bloodlines is a Single Player game