Stability146 was developed by GMelekhov
Stability146 was Released on Windows
Stability146 is a Single Player game
**Stability146 is a logic/puzzle game loosely based on Minesweeper rules.**
Set in a certain country which occupies 1/6 of Earth’s land surface;
Liberal-fashist opposition led by a well-known embezzler and a horse thief Avalny seized control over the city of VoroneΣh.
The player is sent by King Vladimir to purge the liberal junta and free the city.
**Gameplay basics:**
* **The City** : there are many hospitals, schools and other public buildings in VoroneΣh. Look where you’re dropping bombs or face the consequences.
* **Money** : economic crisis is raging and economic sanctions don’t make life easier. Will you choose to conduct assets maintenance or pay staff salaries? Or both? Or neither?
* **Reputation** : several parties are watching the conflict. Will you care for the Western Partners’ opinion or fall for carpet bombing?
* **News** : your achievements are be covered by free* and independent* press. Inspired by real news agencies.
* **Traits** : become a member of parliament, a priest or even a cannibal.
**Technical information:**
* Randomly generated city.
* Semi-randomly generated newspaper articles.
* 2D or 3D
Stability146 on Greenlight