Spike Escape 5 was developed by LucasionGS, Released in 2015-06-06
Spike Escape 5 was Released on Windows
Spike Escape 5 is a Single Player game
This game is the 5th game in the series of the spike escape games. Spike escape is a reaction based game that will get harder for every level. Spike Escape is about not touching anything that is moving towards you from every corner. You control with your mouse at all time. You will move your mouse curser around and try to avoid any contact with the spikes that is coming towards you. The game contains 5 Regular levels, and 2 extra levels The first extra level is the 6th level which is an unlockable level and is not available from the beginning. The second Extra level is usually kept unknown untill the player has beaten all the other levels from 1 to 6 Stars is granted to the player every time they beat a special section of the game. 1st Star is granted when the player has beaten the first five levels, The 2nd star is granted when the player beats the 6th level and the 3rd is given to the player whenever they has beaten the whole game.