## Description
The arcade sequel to Spelunker, entirely different from the console game also
titled _Spelunker II_. This one closely retains the game mechanics and style
of the first arcade game: a descent into a perilous underworld, this time
greenish instead of an earthly brown, populated by strange denizens and even
stranger traps and hazards. As you proceed towards the unknown depths of the
mineshaft, there will be plenty of platform jumping, rope climbing, dynamite
blasting, key hunting, ghost-busting and other routine speleological
activities. Naturally, there’s no shortage of treasure and bonus items, and
the path to the exit isn’t always obvious, which will have you hunting for
secret passages and seeking creative ways to modify the environment.
This time around, your ultimate goal is to rescue a princess; in terms of
actual game elements, there are a few changes and additions: falling down
costs you more health than before, but on the other hand enemy collisions
aren’t immediately lethal. Other fresh ingredients include a new selection of
bizarre monsters, ice platforms, and sections for such diverse sports as scuba
diving, swinging from monkey bars, and (of all things) skateboarding.