SPARCstation 1 was developed by Sun Microsystems., Released in 1989
Other Informations:
MODEL ID: Sun 4/60
Based on a LSI Logic RISC CPU running at 20 MHz, with a Weitek 3170 (or 3172) FPU coprocessor.
The motherboard offered three SBus slots and had built-in AUI ethernet, 8 kHz audio, and a 5 MB/s SCSI-1 bus.
The basic display ran at 1152×900 in 256 colours, and monitors shipped with the computer were 16 to 19 inch greyscale or colour.
The SPARCstation 1, or Sun 4/60 was the first of the SPARCstation series of SPARC-based computer workstations sold by Sun Microsystems. It had a distinctive slim enclosure (a square 3 inch high ‘pizza box’) and was first sold in April 1989, with Sun’s support for it ending in 1995.
It was codenamed ‘Campus’ back in the days of development.
It sold for between about US$9,000 (with no hard disks), to US$20,000 — and in the first year around 35,000 units were sold.