Souls of the Labyrinth was developed by MoonRise Studio, Released in 2019-05
Souls of the Labyrinth was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux,XONE,PS4
Souls of the Labyrinth is a Single Player game
**Souls of the Labyrinth** is an adventure and exploration game that tells the story of Soffia a girl who lives in a giant labyrinth and challenges huge enemies to end a curse that turned her parents into stone.
> **Walk through a giant labyrinth with various types of biomes trying to discover their secrets and ways.**
With feelings of loneliness as well as epic battles as Titan Souls and Toren and their games of inspiration. It is very important the representation of the Brazilian Culture.
Because of this was made a partnership with a Brazilian rapper MC Soffia, among other things within our game.
## Gameplay
In **Souls of the Labyrinth** you start in a central temple and must choose from 4 paths. All paths will have 3 Mini Bosses and an Ultimate Boss as well as Puzzles and Secrets. After defeating the area boss you return to the center of the labyrinth.
### Combat
During combat, one must decorate the pattern of movement of the enemy and find their weakness. You can also use items to help combat both to recover HP as to improve some skill.
> ** The Labyrinth is huge, having several types of biomes and He will guide you to the right path. **
The combat is dynamic, giving the possibility to choose to have actions more calm and cautious or more ferocious and fast. This gives less experienced players the chance to experience the game, without taking hardcore gameplay to more experienced players.
### Puzzles
The puzzles in **Souls of the Labyrinth** are used to reach some point on the map, for example by unlocking doors. There will also be puzzles to get stronger items that can be used while fighting Bosses.
> **There were several types of puzzles, usually using the biome type as the main theme.**
### Itens
The **Souls of the Labyrinth** itens are native Brazilian fruits and will be around the game map. You can only load 3, so it’s important to choose the best ones. Some items can be used more than once until they are fully consumed.
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**Souls of the Labyrinth** is being developed by the moonRise Studio team and will be released to the desktop platforms by the Steam platform. There is great chance of being released for PS4 and Xbox one digitally. Expected to be released in 2019.
If you can have more information on the game site here.