## Description
_Sonny Xpress_ is a mail-delivery action game starring the titular Sonny, a
monkey who rides a moped. The player controls Sonny as he rides around town
delivering packages. To do so, he must first go to the post office and pick up
a package, then check the map for his destination, and then finally ride there
and make the delivery before starting over again. He must also be mindful of
his surroundings, as there are dangerous cars and many other obstacles, and
one hit will wreck his ride.
Delivering packages earns money, which must be deposited in the bank in order
to save it. Money can also be used to refuel the moped, and also to pay
traffic fines at the police office. Ignoring traffic signs such as red lights
and stop signs will land Sonny with a stiff fine that must be repaid.
- Lazy gang
- Lazy Postman
- Lazy Sweet Tycoon
- Le Frenchie
- Leaf on Wind
- League of Maidens Standard Edition
- League of Maidens Ultimate Edition
- Leap of Love – Safe Edition
- Learn Programming: Python
- Learning Factory AI Generated Soundtrack
- Learning Factory Art Pack
- Leave The Red
- Leenie Boog
- Left Alone: Rebirth
- Legacy Bites