Step into the shoes of Frank Sockowski, private detective, and explore the gritty world of New Drawer, a wolly unsettling and corrupt city.
## About This Game
New Drawer was a city of sin, a cesspool of all the lowest scum you could
find. If they weren’t already pink by the mishandled wash of corruption, you
could bet they were lost and alone, doomed to search forever for their lost
And in the middle of all this mess, there was I. Frank Sockowski, Private eye.
I made my coin by looking into the dirty heels of this city, snooping around,
and solving crime.
As a private detective (and sock puppet) it is your duty to investigate
gruesome cases. Armed with the sharpest wits in New Drawers and your trusty
magnifying glass, you get information through interrogation, classic sleuthing
around crime scenes, and getting gossip from the local bar.
You unlock new clues as you progress the story, and once you are confident in
your findings, you can carry out an arrest on your main suspect.
This game was initially made during the Global Game Jam 2020 but has since
been expanded, adjusted, voiced, and polished.
The main crux was that we had no artists in our team, so we had to improvise.
Hence, sock puppets were made, filmed on a green screen, and put into the