Sneak and Snatch
Sudowoodo has developed a hankering for fruit. Being a stone tree he can’t
pick his own and instead must plunder the stores of his fellows. Sudowoodo’s
mark today is a hapless Totodile. But he’ll have to be quick as Totodile is
also interested in snacking on some of that fruit.
You move Sudowoodo by pressing A & B alternately. If you press either too long
you’ll fall on your face. There is, however, strategy in falling; Totodile
will be looking your way every now and then, and when you’re on the ground
Totodile can’t see you. If you take too long Totodile will eat one of the
fruits, and if he eats them all you’ll lose. Points are awarded based on how
many fruits you get. Once you have made off with the fruit the game restarts
at a higher difficulty.
The game can be accessed by scanning the long dot-code on the Pokemon-e
Aquapolis cards Sudowoodo (36/147), Weepinbell (65/147), Bellsprout (68/147),
Pinsir (101/147), Scyther (106/147). Or in Japan the Pokemon e-card expansion
3 cards Sudowoodo (57/87), Weepinbell (9/87), Bellsprout (8/87), Pinsir
(18/87), Scyther (17/87).
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