Game Features -Play smart and work together The Sister will Play With You -4 Player Online Co-op -Play Together -look for Clues, Codes and Hints – AI With Different Style Patterns -Play together with your friends or if you have none Like Me There’s Single Player
## About This Game
I Fixed The Player Sticking Bug (You And Your Friends for part of a Team(4
Player Co-op Multiplayer)
That Reconstructs Old Buildings and Flips
them into New Rental Opportunist. Your Current Location
is The Sisters Of Salient Liberality Asylum
Your Job is to Infiltrate The Abandon Asylum
and Roam the Dark Halls with your Flash Lights Looking for Fuse Boxes to
Deactivate But Be Aware of Your Surroundings Listen for Sounds and Look for
And Work together With Your Friends to Find the Codes
{STEAM APP IMAGE}/extras/movie-013.gif
Noises , Footsteps, Notes and Reports and 2 People
Still In the Building 1 Curious Man Decided to Investigate
And He Reported that They work Girls There 1 Huge and 1 Small
But Fast 1 And They Were Very Different 1 like 2 Chase And Growl at You
The Other Has a Maid Outfit on and Likes to Sing Lullabies And Play Games
Game Features
-Play smart and work together The Sister will Play With You
-4 Player Online Co-op
-Play Together
-look for Clues, Codes and Hints
\- AI With Different Style Patterns
-Play together with your friends or if you have none Like Me There’s Single Player
- TFTU – Hazel OST & wallpapers
- That Flipping Mountain
- The 2020 Trail
- The Adventure of NAYU Soundtrack
- The Adventures of Mr. Poop
- The Adventures of Rob-1E
- The Alchemist Alekki
- The Alien Way
- The Alpha 001
- The Amazing Ball
- The Amazing Mail Game
- The Art of Ashe – Digital Artbook and Map
- The Art of I’m Oh, So Busy – Artbook & Wallpapers
- The Art of The Medium
- The Awakening of Mummies