So… I wanted to make a fun mobile/tablet shooting gallery game, and quickly figured out it wasn’t much fun just tapping targets and watch them explode. Well, it was, but only for 5 minutes! So i expanded the game with upgradeable weapons, an ingame shop, a weapon workshop and prepared it for multiple target types. Not entirely sure where it’s going, i just wanna have fun shooting stuff! π
The game is currently in it’s alpha stage. I have most of the engine in place, prepared for future updates, more weapons, levels and targets. Most of the current game assets are temps, and will be replaced or polished later.
The game is fairly simple. Choose a level, select your weapons and SHOOT! Earn some coins to upgrade your weapons, or buy some new ones! Score as many points as you can to enter the world top shooter list!
Current Working features
\- Weapon system allowing multiple weapon types (each weapon actually has 80 values to tweak)
\- Player profiles, auto save and load
\- Haptic effects (Vibration)
\- Online high score
\- In-game shop w. categories
\- Target spawners and multiple target types
\- Target and Ammo Physics
\- Level system
\- Menu system
\- Bonus system
\- Weapon workshop
\- Sound FX
\- Particle FX
\- Level editor (for development only)
\- Playhaven integration
\- In App Purchases (disable advertising, buy ingame currency)
Next up before we crawl to the beta stage..
\- Expand level system (divided into places to shoot at (Carnival, Shoot range, Forest level, Space etc.))
\- Unlock feature (Unlock weapons, levels etc.)
\- Redesign levels and difficulty balancing
\- Add some music
\- Overall appearance redesign and polishing
\- add MORE weapons, targets and levels!
Have an Android device? Drop me a msg if you wanna be on the Alpha Testing team!
Simply Shooting was developed by The Mojo Collective
Simply Shooting was Released on Mobile,Android,AndroidTab,Metro,MetroTab
Simply Shooting is a Single Player game