Ieyasu Tokugawa, who ended the era of Sengoku and unified Japan. This man created a highway connecting the capital of Kyoto and Edo. It is called the Tokaido-53-tsugi. On this Tokaido, three ninjas will travel from Edo in this present day with a secret mission.
## About This Game
Adventure in the Tokaido 53-tsugi with three female ninjas!
Ieyasu Tokugawa, who ended the era of Sengoku and unified Japan.
This man created a highway connecting the capital of Kyoto and Edo.
It is called the Tokaido-53-tsugi.
It is said that 53 post towns were set up along the highway, where travelers
stay, rest, and trade harnesses and outfits.
One can find in these Fifty-three stations many famous places and historic
sites that still have their features even after 400 years.
On this Tokaido, three ninjas will travel from Edo in this present day with a
secret mission.
The three were the ninjas who worked during the Sengoku period; Karin from
Koga, Kunai from Iga, and Yuri from Negoro.
There are many obstacles on the road as well as many enemies obstructing them.
Overcoming the difficulties and achieving their goals, the three will obtain a
certain precious experience that is, “Kizuna”.
## Game System
The main feature of “Shinobi no Okite/The three female ninjas” is that it
allows the player to enjoy both the Ukiyoe and the action packed part of the
game. Upon selecting the stage, the Ukiyoe part will be shown first.
Once a certain part of the Ukiyoe has been reached, the player will then be
thrusted into the action part of the game.
In the action part of the game, you will control the female ninja and try to
cut as much area as you can (specified in the beginning of the stage) without
getting attacked by the enemies. If the player cuts certain area of the stage,
the player can see the continuation of the Ukiyoe art.
In a single stage, there will be 2 action parts in between the 3 Ukiyoe parts.
The flow of events would be as follows: Ukiyoe Art A -> Action Part A ->
Ukiyoe Art B -> Action Part B -> Ukiyoe Art C.
## The adventurer
You are on an adventure with the three Kunoichi (female ninjas) who came from
Iga, Koga and Negoro.
They are users of techniques and ninjutsu that have survived the era of the
Kunai IGA
Shi is a female ninja from IGA village.
Shi has three main skills which are ‘Karasemi’,’Toha’ and ‘Hagan’
Shi is a female ninja from NEGORO village.
Shi has three main skills which are ‘Shinma’,’Jinrai’ and ‘Hien’
Karin KOGA
Shi is a female ninja from KOGA village.
Shi has three main skills which are ‘Hito’,’Shityo’ and ‘Onjutsu’
“Shinobi no Okite/The three female ninjas” is a highly addictive action game
that anyone can play.
Surely, every time you clear the stage, you will want to solve the next stage
and next, and next.
If you complete the mission with an exquisite balance, you will be able to
know the history of Japan through the Japanese art “Ukiyoe”.
Enjoy the Japanese art of Ukiyoe, which was introduced in Japan and later
influenced famous Western artists(Claude Monet).
It is said that the now famous anime and manga, which are the representing
subcultures of modern Japan, have inherited the deformation technology from
You can choose from three types of game modes: an encampment mode, a treasure
hunting mode, and the capture-the-enemy mode. You will explore the inn of
Tokaido together with a female ninja as an adventurer.
At each post, you can peek into the modern scenery of the inns.
As you approach the end of the game, you will learn about Japan’s history
through traditional Japanese art and think beyond eternity.
How to Play
The flow of the game is as follows:
Select Character
Pick which character to play as. The characters have their own unique
Superpowers and quirks.
Kunai IGA
Balanced in terms of movement and incision speed.
Slower movement but faster incision speed.
Karin KOGA
Faster movement but slower incision speed.
Regarding the action part of the game
you have to move your selected character across the main screen to perform
incision on it while avoiding enemies and obstacles.
Layout of the Game Screen
① Main Screen The area where the enemy characters can move around. You can use
the player character to remove these.
② Back Screen The image for the continuation of the Ukiyoe part. Once an area
of the Main Screen has been removed, that same area will reveal
the corresponding area in the image of the Back Screen.
③ Timer Shows the remaining time to complete the stage
④ Stage Title The title of the currently selected stage
⑤ Obstacle Objects that are in your way
⑥ Player Character The character you control
⑦ Enemy Character Characters that will impede your progress
⑧ Character Stock The number of remaining character lives
⑨ Completion Status Shows much closer you are in clearing the stage
⑩ Superpower Gauge The gauge that stores up power to be used when activating
the Superpower
How to cut through the Main Screen
① When the Incision Button is pressed, you can now cut through the parts of
the Main Screen.
② With the Incision Button held down, you can now enter inside the Main
Screen. Incision marks will be left as you move along the Main Screen.
③ Connect the incision mark back to the border lines.
④ The area of the Main Screen inside the incision marks and the border lines
can be cut through.
Game Rules
・ The player character can be moved up, down, to the left and to the right
(moving diagonally is not possible).
・ It is generally possible to move along the border lines.
・ While moving along the border lines, the player character won’t take damage
from anything from the Main Screen except from the bombs.
・ With the Incision Button held down, the player character can move through
the main screen and trailing incision marks will be drawn.
・ The area of the Main Screen covered inside the border lines and the incision
marks can be removed.
・ During the removal of the cut area, the larger portion of the Main Screen
will remain afterwards.
・ When there is an Enemy Character in the removed area, that Enemy Character
will also be removed in the Main Screen. When there is an item in the removed
area, that item will be used.
・ When the Player Character takes damages, the value of the Character Stock
will be reduced.
・ If the Player Character takes damage while the number shown in the Character
Stock is zero (0), it will result to a Game Over.
・ If the Timer runs out before the condition to beat the stage has been
achieved, it will result to a Game Over.
・ When the Continue option is chosen, you will start all over at the same
stage where you got the Game Over.
・ When the clear condition has been achieved, you can now proceed to see the
continuation of the Ukiyoe part.
★ The Player Character will take damage when:
・ Coming in contact with the Enemy Character while inside the Main Screen
・ Getting attacked while inside the Main Screen
・ Is in the blast range of the bombs
・ The Enemy Character touches the incision marks
・ The incision marks overlap one another (this will result into the incision
marks covering Main Screen)
・ The Clear Condition has not been achieved
Clear Condition
Once the transition from Ukiyoe part to the action game occurred, the
condition to beat the current stage will be shown. The stage will be
considered cleared once this condition has been met.
・Cover XX% area!
Clear Condition of the NORMAL game type. Remove XX% of the Main Screen (the
value of XX varies) to clear the stage.
・Item extraction!
Clear Condition of TREASURE game type. The stage is cleared once all of the
items hidden in the Main Screen have been used.
・Queued up!
Clear Condition of the CATCH game type. Take out the Enemy Characters (isolate
them from the Main Screen) in the exact order they appeared.
Enemy Character
Enemy Characters move inside the Main Screen and around the border lines,
making it hard for the Player Character to clear the stage.
Avoid them and make your way to fulfill the Clear Condition.
It is possible to take them out by cutting the area they are in.
These are things that the Player Character cannot go through. When the Enemy
Characters move through these inside the Main Screen, the effects would be as
Has no effect on the Enemy Character’s movement.
Speed Panel
Changes the movement speed. Will change within a set time.
Reactive Handicap
When the Enemy Character bumps into this or bumps into the borderlines, it
will push it back.
The following are hidden in the Main Screen (the quantity and the kind of
items in the stage varies). If item is in the removed area, that item will be
automatically used.
Increase the Character Stock by 1
Item Reveal
See the location of all the hidden items
Special Up
Increase the level of the Superpower Gauge
Special Plus
Gain certain amount for the Superpower Gauge
※When trying to use another item while you are already using an item, the
effects of the latest item you used will take priority.
Pressing the Esc key will pause the game and will bring up the System Menu.
This will work when you are either on the Ukiyoe part or the action part.
(When the Esc key is pressed during the Ukiyoe part, it will also stop the
voice that is currently being played.)
When part of the Main Area has been removed, the Superpower Gauge will fill up
based on the size of the removed area.
When the Superpower Button is pressed, you perform a certain ability.
If the effects of the Superpower is random, pressing the Superpower Button
will start the roulette wherein you use the Incision Button to stop the
The effect displayed on the spot where the roulette stopped will then be
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Pentium(R)III-500MHz | Pentium(R)III-1GHz |
RAM | 128 MB RAM | 256 MB RAM |
OS | Windows 7/8/8.1/10 | Windows 7/8/8.1/10 |
Graphics Card | 640x480VGA・800x600SVG・1024x768XGA・1280x960Quad-VGA | 640x480VGA・800x600SVG・1024x768XGA・1280x960Quad-VGA |
Direct X | Version 9.0c | Version 9.0c |
HDD Space | 1 GB available space | 1 GB available space |
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