‘Shaped Touches’ is a simulation game of our future public spaces. Every 60 seconds, the game restarts in the same spaces with new sensory perceptions, experiencing the same place in new ways. This game was installed as part of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.
## About This Game
Architecture is a ‘shaped touch’ between what our bodies can perceive and the
information around us. As our bodies increase their range of sensorial
abilities through advancements in healthcare and wearable technologies,
climate change is simultaneously redefining our expectations of future
Examples include the ability to see within the near infrared spectrum of
light, access layers of augmented reality, hear plants communicate in low
frequency sound or the ability to empathize with those who’s senses differ
from your own.
Architecture’s shape is less of an objective form and more of a spectrum of
sensorial shapes layered upon one another for those with varying access. Much
like a radio dial, occupying the same space might not mean you’re tuned to the
same architecture…leading to immense creativity as well as public space to
potentially fragment even further.
This game was installed as part of the 17th International Architecture
Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia.