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Shai-la of the Sith (v1) was developed by marionpoinsot34, Released in 2008-01
Shai-la of the Sith (v1) was Released on Windows
Shai-la of the Sith (v1) is a Single Player game
Star Wars fan-game RPG. This is the first version of my game “Shai-la of the Sith”, I made this one using “Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds” level editor.
Shai-la of the Sith is a young girl who worked in the first Death Star construction during the Imperial era… until the Dark Lord of the Siths, Darth Vader, detected her because of the Force he felt in her.
She then became his apprentice and discovered her new life and new powers. Take control of Shai-la during several missions on different planets.
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