****Trailer 1 FR :Youtube.com****
You are a child who live in a dangerous world, there is some “Shadows”, and those have taken your mother, you have to be brave…
TBD but less than one year.
2D Adventure Horror game.
French version will be make first and then translated in english.
You can run, hide, interact, die…
5 chapters, 5 aeras.
**I** “The Encounter”
**II** “Loneliness”
**III** “The Tunnel”
**IV** “The Intruder”
**V** “…”
Vous etes un enfant qui vivez dans un monde dangereux, habite par les “Ombres”, et celles-ci vous ont vole votre mere, vous devrez etre courageux…
TBD mais sortie avant un an maximum.
Jeux 2D Aventure Horreur
La version française sera finie avant la version anglaise.
Vous pourrez sprinter, vous cacher, interagir avec l’environnement, mourir…
5 chapitres, 5 differentes zones.
**I** “La Rencontre”
**II** “Solitude”
**III** “Le Tunnel”
**IV** “L’intrus”
**V** “…”
Shadows of Horror was developed by PsyKreator
Shadows of Horror was Released on Windows
Shadows of Horror is a Single Player game