Shadow of the Unicorn
In Shadow of the Unicorn , the player assumes the role of multiple
characters, trying to get rid of the evil and chaos unleashed upon two
kingdoms when a magical book was unsealed.
At the beginning of the game, it’s possible to switch between three different
characters – the King of Oronfall, his Satyr friend, and a wizard. Eventually,
the number grows to ten, once a controllable character has been found. The
explored lands are shown from a side view, with a compass indicating the
currently viewed direction. Pressing the appropriate keys or joystick changes
the view and lets the player travel in a different direction. There are
furthermore bars indicating the energy and injury level of the currently
controlled character. Energy is decreasing slowly over time and may be
refilled when magical bushes are found, while injuries occur from occasional
fights with hostile creatures. Objects necessary to complete the quest are
scattered throughout the land. Some clues in addition to the back story are
contained in the accompanying novel of the game.