## Description
This bundle gathers together three genre-influenced adult text-adventure
* _Bite of the Sorority Vampires_ , a chilling tale of a sororal campus organization, Eta Beta Pi, whose insatiable members may be responsible for the disappearance of your friend — as a member of the school newspaper, it’s your duty to bust this creepy tale wide! (And as a man, you have other duties…);
* _Hatchet Honeymoon_ , a weird vignette of a newlywed rescuing his fresh and virginal bride from the foul clutches of a shadowy stranger in a haunted mansion filled with secret passages (and amorous cleaning staff);
* and _Sex Vixens From Space_ , pulp sci-fi hero Brad Stallion’s first foray — saving the universe from astro-Amazons armed with emasculating sex-ray guns … using some of his own specialised equipment (later expanded upon elsewhere in more lush graphic depictions that really allowed the subject matter to come to vivid life!)
- Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions – Ryoma Hino
- Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions – Shingo Aoi
- Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions – Taichi Nakanishi
- Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions – Xiao Junguang
- Captains of the Wacky Waters
- Car Drive
- Car Looper
- Car Scrapyard Simulator
- Caravan Sandwitch
- Cardful Planning
- Cards & Tankards
- Cards of the Dead
- Cargo Transportation: Low Poly
- Carmine Impact