Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand is a game about an operation for rescuing a princess kidnapped by monsters in a fantasy desert kingdom. The hero (user) must solve numerous puzzles and deal with countless monsters to complete the operation. It combines adventure puzzles with RPG elements.
## About This Game
Seven Dunes: Curse on the Golden Sand is a game about an operation for
rescuing a princess kidnapped by monsters in a fantasy desert kingdom. The
hero (user) must solve numerous puzzles and deal with countless monsters to
complete the operation. It combines adventure puzzles and RPG elements. Please
find the introduction of the story below the following features:
\- We also had the story written as a novel, which might be available to you.
\- While it is essentially an adventure game, we incorporated lots of RPG
elements to enrich the content of the game, like the drops of elixirs, herbs,
potions, and mixtures.
\- As we know that a game must offer replayability in the future, we tried to
randomize many things like enemies, objects, locations, characters, including
the title songs and other sounds.
\- Surrounding objects will offer many surprises that are randomized
\- We used highly diversified sound assets and voice-overs of all characters
were done by carefully-selected artists with special skill in their
\- Enemies are many and they have special melee or magic skills depending on
their character or maybe boss.
\- We included numerous cut-scenes to tell the story nicely and enjoyably.
\- We incorporated special animations to people and monsters with different
activities in line with the particular things they do, like mining.
\- We attached particular importance to the bosses. We wanted them to be a
little different from classical bosses with supreme power and converted them
into intelligent and interesting beings, ranging from the one who vomits
similar but smaller monsters to the one who converts the objects in the
interior of the castle into enemies and from the one who cooks enemies in a
huge magic cauldron to the one who becomes the hero himself!
\- The game is assertive especially with its puzzles.
Introduction of the story:
(Excerpt from our novel)
Chapter 1
Curse befallen
Anyone who would take look at the view of the Castle of Seven Dunes could see
it looked uglier, darker, and gloomier than a few weeks earlier, with its
artisanal architecture and build made of the golden sands of the desert,
following the fulminant curse spider-webbed all around the locale. One of the
centers of happiness and justice in Seven Dunes had turned into chilling
somberness behind the western walls of the town. The people of Seven Dunes
were unwilling to see it any longer. In fact, no one was feeling like a bit of
fresh air, coming outside from their homes that they were probably considering
the safest place for the time being. The gate at the eastern walls was opening
to a temple that looked a bit larger than the one a visitor of the town would
expect, as a significant portion of the townsfolk was imprisoned or lost. The
gate at the southern walls was the passageway of the people to an oasis where
they could fulfill their needs of bathing, trading, breeding their livestock,
and enjoying conversations with the foreign passersby of other kingdoms of the
desert. The land beyond the northern walls did not offer much for a visitor as
it was mere sand and endless view of the desert, despite the presence of a
nice pavilion for public meetings situated on the northern dune, one of the
seven dunes encircled by the walls, which were the inspiration for elders to
name the town. The southern dune also had a pavilion on it, where Ande-ryn,
the female Chief of the town, or other individuals met to govern the locale.
Four of other dunes were home to the housing of the townsfolk, while the last
one was used as the entrance to the castle in the west. There situated inns,
merchants’ workplaces, market, etc. as well as palm trees on the fords
naturally formed between the dunes.
In the middle of the night, one of the rooms somewhere in the castle was lit
with numerous candlesticks. Seven Dunes, as always in lands dominated by
deserts, more particularly the hot weather during daytime, was shinier and
more cheerful at nights and recent days saw the townsfolk tired and less
willing to enjoy things under the control of unknown beings. The room was the
one where Princess Elryn, the Governor and Ruler of Seven Dunes, under the
aegis of King Gorlough, her father who was in charge of all kingdoms and
princedoms of the desert, was kept as a prisoner. Princess Elryn had fallen in
love with Seven Dunes and wanted to lead her life there, in a visit her father
paid together with her. Indeed, Seven Dunes was also home to the endless gold-
colored sands of the desert but its proximity to the oasis and the small creek
running from it, entering the town, and passing by the font side of the
temple, were able to make the area fertile enough and the people continue
living in peace. Now the princess was imprisoned in her own castle, in a part
of it she even did not discern. That night, she wrote a letter to her father:
“”My lord
Seven Dunes is in danger!
All of a sudden, some unknown creatures started to appear everywhere…
They first imprisoned me in the depths of the castle.
And made weird shapes on walls!
They built their statues arbitrarily everywhere….
Wanting us to witness the presence of their vile shadow.
In the desert, in the caves, in the gardens, even in my castle.
They say they keep destroying everything in my kingdom…
They occupied every nook and cranny.
And inflicted undefinable damage and suffering on my people and my land.
I do not know where they hide and attack hideously… And I also do not know
where they emerge from.
Please, Excellency, please help my people survive. Your force is my only
chance and shelter.
As always…
Faithfully yours
Princess Elryn
Princess Elryn then stood and took the letter as well as a living thing that
was not unfamiliar to the royal people of the region: a Crystalbird. She had
bluish, bright, crystal feathers and body parts and was shedding more light
than the torch on the walls of the room and the candlestick on the table of
the Princess. Crystalbirds were one of the means of communication among
“How unfortunate it is that this is the only Crystalbird I have,” she thought
to herself, fearing that the Crystalbird, vulnerable against cursed spells,
might be lost forever in the skies. She tied the letter to one of the legs of
and petted the bird who was content with any kind of affection like other
animals. Wishing good luck for her people, the Princess released the
Crystalbird into the cursed skies of Seven Dunes. With a slight halo of light
behind her, the bird disappeared in the heavens.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Dual-core processor, 2.40 GHz | |
RAM | 4 MB RAM | 4 MB RAM |
OS | Windows 8 or higher | Windows 8 or higher |
Graphics Card | Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 - AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870 | Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 - AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870 |
HDD Space | 3 GB available space | 4 GB available space |