Seize the Clay was made in 72hrs for the Ludum Dare game jam, and was originally released in April 2019. It’s a pottery game where you play a lonely potter who has to sell pots each day to survive.
The theme for this Ludum Dare was “Your life is currency”. The game is loosely based around that theme, although we had the idea prior to the game jam and adapted it to fit.
Game was made in 72hrs by a team of 3:
Gameplay & Music by @SecondDimension
Art by @FailedStarfish & @AdamD
Everything is controlled with the mouse. Point, click and hold the mouse down to move the potter around. Move between the various work stations to create your pottery. Start by selecting an order, then picking up a block of material, move to the potter’s wheel to sculpt it, paint it and finally, bake it in the kiln before depositing it on one of the pedestals for review and payment.
- I made the music during the weekend, but I ran out of time for proper sound effects
- The calculation which determines the value of each pot is broken, so it’s a bit random (will fix post-jam)
- The progress bar on the oven works, but might look a bit odd (again I will fix this post-jam)
- I know the link to the theme is a bit of a stretch, we just really like this idea wanted to try it!
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