## Description
This educational title aims to test your knowledge of the geography of the USA
as a game. The country is shown as a map with all the states. It is possible
to practice first to study the state names and the names of their capitals
before playing the game
There are three game modes:
* _Play States_
The player sits in the car and the computer proposes the route by giving names
of start and end states. Starting in the “start state”, the player has to type
in the name of the next state to visit. The trip should be finished in time
(optionally). Incorrect names of states exhaust the available time. The trip
itself also deducts time, taking into account time zones, night stops, and the
time needed to travel. If the player reaches the end state in time, the
thematic picture of this state is shown.
* _Play Capitals_
Completely identical in gameplay to Play States, but with capitals as start
and ending points.
* _Play Quiz Game_
The player selects one of the quiz themes, and chooses the appropriate state
that is the answer, after receiving the question. The themes are:
* Abbreviations (3 kinds);
* Artists;
* Birds (4 kinds);
* Bridges;
* Cities;
* Colleges;
* Facts;
* Flowers (4 kinds);
* Folktale;
* Geography (2 kinds);
* Government;
* History;
* Indian (3 kinds);
* Lakes;
* Landmark;
* Mottos (4 kinds);
* Nicknames (9 kinds);
* People (3 kinds);
* Places;
* Pop;
* Presidents (2 kinds);
* Products;
* Signers;
* Species;
* Sports;
* Trivia (10 kinds);
* Waterway;
* Women.
All actions are controlled with the keyboard.