Schlag den Raab: Das 3. Spiel
Schlag den Raab: Das 3. Spiel is the third game based off the German TV
show Schlag den Raab (Beat Raab – named for the host Stefan Raab the players
have to beat in an activity to compete for a jackpot) . It is a party game
that offers 25 different challenges with 15 new ones and 10 returning from the
previous game. Different types of skills are needed such as dexterity,
knowledge or reflexes with quick games such as air hockey, gun target
practice, chopping down a tree or quiz games for instance. You can either play
alone or as a two teams up to four players. You are able to choose your own
character (from a selection of 5) and a TV show atmosphere is created by
several humorous audio commentaries. New for this third game is the ability to
look right into your opponents eyes with the new first-person Ego View. By
playing additional skins, outtakes and mini-games can be unlocked.
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