The ships of the armada leaving Earth slowly slipped past the great space station orbiting the planet, blood already shed within them. The United Nations had authorized the exodus from the planet in light of the catastrophic environmental changes. Peoples from all over the planet were gathered and placed in the massive ships as the first wave to depart left Earth orbit. The Gateway to Paradise held 500,000 people and they were going to a planet dubbed Eden.
Some amongst the passengers noticed how odd their companions were. Fights had broken out while boarding and the journey did not seem likely to be a peaceful one. Those who had met before, at terrorist training camps, immediately move to safer locations and whispered conspiratorially. The brutes from the prisons reveled in the limited freedom of the great ship and strode like giants among those they disdained.
An announcement blared out, in several different languages, apparently a few small groups had independently arrived at the same information – the ship was designed to not survive! While it had everything that could be expected of a ship to make an interstellar trip the hackers had found that a good bit of a hanger was devoted to a bomb, it had a nuclear charge strong enough to rip the ship apart and that would set off the full fuel cells; nothing would remain. They all came to one conclusion, although with various parties to blame. The entire movement to leave the Earth was a lie, a great lie to remove the worst dregs, the most disruptive influences from the planet completely.
The most brilliant minds amongst them worked together, the sole focus on survival, fueled by a desire for revenge on those who had placed them here. They found small vessels, suitable for movement within the solar system and gathered those most likely to be able and willing to go on a suicide mission in them. The youngest of the terrorists, barely in their teens would need less oxygen and so could survive the journey to drag the massive bomb back on that straight line next to the space station. There it would be detonated and destroy any ships capable of pursuit.
The more scientifically minded of the passengers hacked the navigation and paused behind Jupiter; they began to operate the tremendous scoop gathering in gas for processing. Hundreds died within the first hours; it would grow to thousands as the journey progressed. Soon it would be entire groups of people, who thought they had been oppressed before, now were forced into labor that was certain death. More than a hundred thousand died in the battles to see who would work and who would live.
All the beauties, all the scientific wonders were lost on these brutal voyagers as they made their way to Eden. The landing was quick and efficient, only a few tens of thousands died as a result. They spread out from the wreckage, carrying what they could, assaulting those who they met in this paradise. Humanity swept across the planet like a virus, conquering where they could, destroying what they could not. The denizens of the planet, in a tenuous peace that led them to call their home Laghaim, the Peaceful place, were dismayed by the fury of the humans. They took such a dangerously long time to respond and begin to fight back, but the battle had begun and went on in earnest. The smartest of the humans returned to the ship to scavenge the technology for weapons. Eventually they were able to develop great missiles and to use the small ships once again as orbital launch platforms. They armed them with the most potent explosive devices they could conceive of; they were ready to die, to kill the entire planet to lay waste to their enemies!
But this development did not go unnoticed. An aggressive race from another system, slightly closer than Earth decided now that the inhabitants were ready to be harvested. Their need for intelligent minions, for slaves strong of mind and back was insatiable and this was a nearly inexhaustible pool to draw from!
The armies of the four races were gathered for what was to be the final confrontation when the Progmare invaded. The plan the aliens had was to strike a blow that any intelligent slaves would wither under. Unfortunately, the natural aggressiveness of the humans was unparalleled in their experience. Humans would rather die than be slaves and the other races much preferred that the humans were attacking someone else; since that happened to be a race they despised they joined in the war against the invaders.
The battle was brief and bloody. The enemy retreated from the battlefield but did not leave the planet. The former foes knew they could not fight each other any longer without becoming slaves themselves. A most uneasy truce ensued, breached often, patched inadequately. This is the Savage Eden, called Laghaim.
\- Choose from multiple races, each with unique skills and weapons
\- Customizable dragon under your command
\- Unique feudal system
\- Build and lay siege to castles
Recommended System Requirements | ||
CPU | Pentium III 800GHz | |
RAM | 256MB RAM | |
Graphics Card | 32MB graphic card |