Sanyo Pachinko Paradise 8: Shin Umi Monogatari
Pachinko Paradise 8 is one of the many titles in Irem’s long-running
pachinko simulation series. It features a faithful 3D recreation of the CR
Shin Umi Monogatari M27 pachinko machine made by Sanyo Bussan. There are two
modes available: Ts ūjō (Normal) mode allows the player to modify a wide range
of settings for each machine, while Jissen (Battle) mode challenges the player
to win as many balls as possible on the default settings with a limited
starting pool and time limit. There is also a View mode where the various
animations that play on the in-game display can be freely viewed.
New in this installment is the first episode of the Pachi-Pro F ūunroku
story mode. The player takes control of a young man who has just arrived in
PachiPara Town looking to solve the mysteries surrounding his father’s death.
The player can move between three different pachinko parlors, as well as
return home to the protagonist’s apartment, which can be customized with items
won from playing pachinko. The game proceeds much like a basic adventure game,
speaking to other characters to gain information or challenge them to a
pachinko duel. There are three different female characters with whom
relationships can be pursued, and the ending will change depending on which
character the player becomes closest to.