## Description
Sail is a multiplayer terminal naval combat game, initially based on the
Fighting Sail board game. The objective is to destroy or capture all enemy
ships among a variety of scenarios. Scenarios are divided between historic
naval battles (e.g. ‘The Battle of Lake Erie’), fictional battles (‘Hornblower
and the battle of Rosas bay’), and some slightly absurd ones (‘Curse of the
Flying Dutchman’ and ‘Star Trek’).
The game plays in a pseudo turn-based fashion: commands are entered for a
turn, then synchronized among all other players. Commands are entered as a
sequence of numbers and letters. For example, ‘3r’ would result in moving
forward three spaces, then turning right once. The turn will automatically
time out and advance after a short delay, so there is not much time for
strategizing. The game attempts to account for the effects of wind, ship
orientation when receiving a broadside, damage and repairs, and differences in
ship/crew capabilities. Like any good naval combat game, it also allows
boarding parties.