The game consists of connections between stars into constellations in a 3D plane, which tell a greater existential story leading you deeper into space.
The most important aspect of the game is the way that the player should feel while playing, which is relaxed and curious. The game’s main aspects are discovering new planets and suns, enjoying the scenery, getting from point A to point B, and lastly creating constellations to gain energy to high speed travel to another section of space. Since everything is symbolic there is no need for any text, also the controls will be so simple anybody would be able to play it immediately without instructions, much like Journey (That Game Company, 2012) for Playstation3. Inspired by graphics from Studio Ghibli and images from the Hubble telescope, as well as games such as Swords and Sworcery (Capybara Games, 2011) it should display wonder and vastness.
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This is a college project with the theme being: **textless**. We are 14 game developer students from Sweden working on it and will hopefully release and enjoyable game that everybody can play in about 9 weeks.
Stay in touch if you are interested and check out our concept art. We will be releasing testable versions later on and would be really happy to get some alpha-testers that can give us feedback and help us debug.
For more frequent and minor updates, follow us on facebook!
Saganista (Gemini) was developed by Stars & Stuff, Released in 2013-05-31
Saganista (Gemini) was Released on Windows,Web,X360
Saganista (Gemini) is a Single Player game