The player controls a gun turret at the bottom of the screen. The turret can
swivel to cover a large area of the screen, but cannot move from its base.
Helicopters fly across the screen at varying heights, dropping paratroopers.
The gun may fire multiple shots at once, and the shots may destroy helicopters
or shoot paratroopers. Paratroopers may be disintegrated by a direct hit, or
their parachutes may be shot, in which case they will plummet to earth
(splattering and dying if they were sufficiently high when the shot hit).
Furthermore, destroyed helicopters turn into shrapnel, which may destroy other
helicopters or paratroopers. Periodically, jets may fly by and drop bombs; the
jets and bombs may be shot as well.
The player earns points by shooting helicopters, paratroopers, jets, and
bombs. Firing a shell costs the player one point, so if one is playing for
score, there is an incentive to conserve ammo.
The game ends when the player’s turret is hit by a bomb, when a single
paratrooper lands directly on the turret, or when four paratroopers safely
land on either the left or right of the turret (that is four on one side, not
four total). Once this happens, they are able to build a human pyramid and
climb up to the turret and blow it up.
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